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Copy the invitation code sent to you in the Invitation Email and follow the directions in the Email. If you do not have an existing account you will need to download the App and register before you can join. Refer to Joining a team/group with an existing account or Joining a team/group without an existing account in this section.

Joining a team/group with an existing account:
Copy the invitation code you received in the Invitation email sent by your Team or Group Leader
Log into your BeClutch account
Click the Team Name Menu Bar located at the top of the screen (Below the heading HOME)
Click the Red plus on the bottom right of the screen
Click Join a Team
Paste the Invitation Code copied from the Invitation Email into the Invitation Code field
Click accept

Joining a team/group without an existing account
Copy the invitation code you received in the Invitation email sent by your Team or Group Leader
Download the BeClutch App from Google Play Store or Apple Store
Click the Register button on the lower half of the screen
Fill in the fields on the Register for BeClutch page being sure to use the Email address the invitation code was sent to
Fill in primary contact information, click Done
Select accept invitation
Paste the invitation code that was copied from the invitation email into the Invitation Code Field, click Done

Download the Beclutch App from Google Playstore or The App Store
Click the Register button at the bottom of the page
Fill in the fields on Register for BeClutch page, click next
Fill out Primary Contact Information on the next Register for BeClutch page, click next
Select Accept Invitation
Enter the Invitation Code you received in your Invitation Email sent to you from BecClutch.
Enjoy BeClutch!

Representing Player is a feature that allows an adult to represent a player on a Team. When accepting an invitation, fill in the primary contact information with the adults’s information. All correspondence and communication will now go to you as the adult while the minor is listed on the Roster.

Reset password is in your account Info. Access this by clicking on the Settings icon in the navigation bar on the bottom of the screen.

A contact has more permissions than a guest. A contact can set availability, answer surveys and view finances.

There are 2 ways to set the Jersey color. If you go through settings and set default colors those jersey colors will show whenever you create a new game. Follow directions below:

Click the settings icon in the navigation bar on the lower right side of the screen. Go to Team Settings. Scroll down to Uniform colors. Click in the box next to home and/or away and choose your color. Click save.

If you did not set default colors in Settings you can choose a Jersey color when creating a game through Calendar. Follow directions below:
Click the Calendar icon in the Navigation bar. Click the Red Plus to create a new game. Click on the Jersey and a color palette will appear to choose your Jersey color for a home or away game.

Access color themes in the Settings. Click on the Settings icon in the Navigation Bar at the bottom of the screen. Click on Team or Group Settings. Scroll down to Themes heading. Click on the box next to Theme color, choose a color, click Save and enjoy your personalized color theme!

This feature is in Settings. To access it press the Settings icon in the Navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. Go to Team or Group Settings. Click on Edit Picture and choose from your gallery or camera.

Only a Super-user (Coach/Manager) can create and send a survey. In order to access the Surveys feature you will have to go to Settings by clicking on the Settings icon in the Navigation Bar on the bottom of the screen on the Home Page. Under Advanced Features click Surveys. Click on the Red Plus button on the top right of the screen. Once the Red Plus button is clicked you can fill out the information on the Add Survey page and click to save. The Survey will be sent to your Team or Group and Reminders will be sent if you chose that option.

In order to access the Surveys feature you will have to go to Settings by clicking on the Settings icon in the Navigation Bar on the bottom of the screen on the Home Page. Under Advanced Features click Surveys. Once you see the Name of the Survey you are going to respond to click the down arrow to expand the Survey. Click on the answer you want tallied and click Submit.

Click the Menu icon in the Navigation Bar on the lower right of the screen
Click Finances in the Advanced Features section of Settings
Click the Red Plus button on the upper right of the screen
Choose who this fee will be sent to
Fill in the appropriate fields being sure to assign a due date
Reminders with be automatically sent daily unless you unclick the Send Reminders box
Click Save

Click the Menu icon in the Navigation Bar on the lower right of the screen Click Finances in the Advanced Features section of Settings Click the Blue down arrow to expand the field of the Finance you are accessing Enter the amount to be applied Click apply payment

There are 2 ways to create a Volunteer list. You can make a Volunteer list that is attached to an event through the Calendar section of the App or you can access Volunteers through Settings which allows you to have a Volunteer list that is not attached to a specific date or event.

To create a Volunteer List attached to a Calendar event access your events by clicking on the Calendar Icon on the left side of the Navigation bar on the Home Page. Click the blue arrow to expand the event you would like to make a list for. Click the Volunteer Icon (raised hands). Click the Red Plus sign on the upper right hand side of the screen and fill out the Add Assignment page. You can save the assignment to complete the list or you can choose Save and Add to add another Assignment.

To create a Volunteer list through settings From the Home Page click the Menu icon in the Navigation Bar on the lower right of the screen. Click Volunteers in the Advanced Features section of Settings. Click the Red Plus sign on the upper right hand side of the screen and fill out the Add Assignment page. You can save the assignment to complete the list or you can choose Save and Ddd to add another Assignment.

Access your Volunteer list either through Settings or an event. Open the list by tapping on the list name. Click the down arrow on the list you are trying to sign up for. Tap on one of the sign up boxes.

Click the Menu icon in the Navigation Bar on the lower right of the screen
Click Team/Group/Club Settings in the Team/Group/Club Management section of Settings
Click on the Calendar you would like to subscribe to in order to access the easy to follow directions for Calendar Subscription

While on the Calendar swipe down and Historical events will appear

When trying to access Advanced Features, click on the "Learn More" button to receive a detailed email with instructions.


You are pending on a Roster until you accept the invitation sent to you from your Team Leader.

If someone logs on with your login credentials on a different device you will have to re-log in on your device.

If someone on another device has logged in with your credentials then this will interrupt your ability to receive alerts. Log out to the app on your device and then log back in.

You must be sure you are using the Email address that your invitation was sent to in order for registration to be completed when joining a group/team.


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